'Be Above It' Tame Impala
Progress report from yesterday and this morning. Only one self hypno session yesterday and it was marred by brain skittering off in about 3 million directions. Can I help it if I have an inquiring mind and think about a lot of stuff? Not a lot of highly intellectual stuff, admittedly. But at least I think! This morning was better with a more extended period of trying to settle my mind down and staying on task. Still not sure I'm being specific enough with what I'm asking my unconscious mind to do or whether I'm so desperate to change I'm just asking for anything that sounds positive and/or will help me drop some more weight. Yeah, I'm that shallow. Deal with it :)
The kindest man in the world, because he is the kindest man in the world and has only ever wanted me to be happy and fulfilled in my own skin, is absolutely on board with all this and for this I am grateful. Let's just say it's not a level of support I have enjoyed in the past. Note to people everywhere: telling your supposed loved one that they are 'fucking huge and need to do something about it', particularly when you are somewhat hefty yourself, is rarely a productive way to get somebody to change. Or is that just me? I know I favour the direct approach, but seriously. Firstly, I have never been the kind of person who will change just because somebody else thinks I should. Secondly, credit me with enough intelligence to already know that being (at the time) a size 28 meant that I was indeed huge and needed to do something about it. Thirdly, fuck off. I already judge myself enough for you and the population of a small overly critical European country and do not require your assistance in this regard.
The kindest man in the world has never judged me, which is one of the reasons I moved 10,000 miles to be with him. It's no surprise to me therefore that when I first brought up the idea of hypno-dude he was all for it and since starting with the whole hypno/life coachy malarkey has been asking me how he can help with the process. At the moment it's reminding me to do the two daily self hypno sessions and also being on the alert for when I'm slapping myself down. I'm happy to say I haven't kept him too busy with this in the last couple of days. Yay for progress!
Actually, it's probably going to help him too, as the kindest man in the world isn't necessarily the kindest he could be to himself. But he can't be talking negative shit about himself when he's encouraging me not to, can he? Self help by stealth!
I have one of hypo-dude's books (actually I have two, but only know the location of one - ooops) so my first mission today is to re-read the bit on self hypno to make sure I've got it straight and hopefully reassure myself that one day I can do it without getting distracted by thoughts about football, what colour I should do my hair next, the increasingly perilous nature of Western capitalism, the lyrics to the Dead Kennedy's 'Nazi Punks Fuck Off' and where the hell to find a decent pair of shoes that won't kill my feet. I'm sure I'll get there eventually.
My second mission is to do my second self hypno session but not late at night because although it's relaxing and helps me sleep, it's relaxing and helps me sleep....a bit too much!
I may have found the theme song for this journey although really it's a song that got me through a major rough patch i.e.being told I had incurable chronic kidney disease and would be dead in five to twenty years - not overly inspiring news when you're 36! In one of those freaky twists of fate that make you think there's a lot more going on than we know, three years later I was told by the frankly stunned kidney specialist that it had completely cleared...so there you go, never say never but getting back to my point (eventually) this was my theme song through those years and I think is about to become again...because whatever else you can say about this freakshow called life, there's always hope for better stuff around the corner. So always keep an eye out for the corner. It'd be a bitch if you missed it.