Wednesday, 7 August 2013

The rules

Actually I don't really want to call this post 'the rules', because I don't really like rules.  But I have this collection of principles by which I live (or try to) and, inspired by Gibbs from one of my all time fav series NCIS, it might be time to get them all in one place. I could go all hippy-dippy and call them life philosophies or learned wisdom. I could, but I think you know why I won't.

As with the famous Mr Gibbs I should probably point out that I don't live by these all the time. They're not aspirational as such, but occasionally one has problems picking oneself off one's arse to live by them.  What can I say, I continue to try!

So here it is, Sandyology in a nutshell. Or case, I'm not sure which.

  1. Why be half-arsed when you can use your whole arse?
  2. Life is too short for one hair colour.
  3. Only listen to the opinions of people you respect.
  4. Dr Martens ARE appropriate for all occasions, especially now they have ones with high heels.
  5. Self esteem comes from yourself. That's why it's called self esteem. Don't be looking for it elsewhere cos it's a waste of time.
  6. Would a fashion designer wear a shirt with YOUR name on it? Think about it.
  7. Never give up or chicken out. You don't know what good stuff you'll miss out on if you do.
  8. Strength doesn't come from physical capacity, it comes from an indomitable will. (That might be Gandhi's idea).
  9. Work for better, live for now.
  10. How about putting all the energy you use hating yourself into something constructive?
  11. Justin Bieber. Just don't.
  12. You aren't always wrong or always right.
  13. Nobody makes you feel bad about yourself.  You allow them to. Deal with it.
  14. When you take a chance, sometimes good things happens and sometimes bad things happen. If you take no chances, nothing happens.
  15. Even the bad things can come good in the end if you let them.
  16. Western democracy would be a good idea. Yeah, I nicked that from Gandhi as well.
  17. Not everybody loves Raymond.
  18. Gratitude for the things you have makes you happy and less of a whiny pain in the arse to those around you. Win-win.
  19. Self-help gurus do have a point, even if you occasionally want to strangle them.
  20. As Gibbs says...sometimes, you're wrong.

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