Sunday, 14 July 2013

Exercise songs they don't put on running compilations 1

Well, after a day of studying the Life In The UK handbook and fretting about permanent residency applications I was well pissed off with the world but went out for an attitude adjusting walk and listened to some of my favourite attitude adjusting songs...this be one of them. I am hugely influenced by music and song lyrics, which you may have gathered by me quoting song lyrics on every post.  Like everything in life, got to listen out for the lesson and act on it.  Unless you're listening to Justin Bieber songs, in which case, just friggin' stop.

I like to use my walking time to work through things in my head and occasionally blast them out with an appropriate tune. Am now feeling better about things after listening to this and remembering in everything you have a my case, to stop being a bloody sooky-la-la.  I've got over bigger hurdles than anything the UK Border Agency can throw at me. Just got to be patient and work through it all. What a font of wisdom I am when I'm not chucking a mental or hiding under the duvet shit scared of my own shadow! There's hope for me yet!

Anyway, here is today's attitude adjusting song. You can choose whatever you want to be and you can choose your attitude. Best remember it when chucking a mental or hiding under the duvet. Enjoy.

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