When you feel the heat the world is at your feet
No-one can hold you down if you really want it
'The Cup of Life' Ricky Martin
I bloody did it!! I applied for a job without having a panic attack!!!
Got up yesterday morning, got on the lappie and bashed out the application by lunch while being only slightly distracted by ABC Grandstand Digital's coverage of State of Origin!! Well OK, I could have turned it off I know. But I couldn't. But I could have. But I couldn't. It's my cultural heritage! Not going to happen!
Anyway, could not have been further inspired in my attempts to move upwards and onwards than by listening to my beloved Queensland side slaughter New South Wales. Ah, my boys did me proud!
OK I realise that a large number of you have no idea what the hell I'm talking about. State of Origin is an annual three-match rugby league competition between Queensland and New South Wales and is probably the most intensely fought rugby league competition in the world. The. World. I'm not just saying that because I like rugby league and support Queensland. It is sheer power and fury. It is freaking awesome.
This victory was particularly sweet because the current Queensland side had been branded by the opposition as old, fat and past it. As somebody who has frequently felt old, fat and past it, I can't help but take encouragement from my boys proving everyone wrong. Especially Johnathan Thurston, who pulled himself off a drip in hospital to play and blitzed the entire match. Legend!
Even if you're not into sport, that sort of character and tenacity can't be faulted. Picking yourself up off your arse and keeping going despite everything? Winning even when everyone is screaming at you that there's no way? Isn't that exactly what I'm trying to achieve with this self help malarkey?
Isn't that what we all want deep down, really? Unless you're one of those sooky whingy princesses that expect everything handed to them on a platter and I don't think there's many of them reading this blog. Although they probably should.
When you are backed into a corner and by you I mean we, you have two choices: sit in the corner and cry, or fight your way out of it. There have been plenty of times I have chosen the sitting and crying option. I freely admit it. Hello, my name is Sandy and I have been a sooky la-la more times than I care to count. But today I pledge to you, myself, and the Queensland State of Origin side that I will continue to find ways to fight and win.
It's only a job application, but it's a big step forward for me in terms of confidence and getting my life back. And I bloody did it. Happy. That is all.
Now what's next?
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